Google engineers have salaries so high that they end up resigning

Being working in Silicon Valley, and much more if we focus on the Google company, it seems that it guarantees a good salary every month in our pocket. Not only is it a reasonable salary but salary unattainable in most of the jobs we know. The funny thing is that it is not only programmers but, for example, experts in autonomous cars. At Google these positions are very well considered and their workers have salaries so high that ... they end up leaving the company.

Too rich to work?

Why? One might ask, why work for others - in this case Google - if I can finance my own company? This is the reason why so many key positions of the company are leaving the company: to form their own. The best employees are gradually and incessantly leaving the company to start their own personal projects or even retire. Your savings allow it.

The birthplace of the largest technology companies in the world, Silicon Valley, where companies such as Apple, Microsoft or Intel were born is the germ of a dangerous dynamic that is threatening Google's projects. It is precisely this reason why Google's automated vehicles have not advanced as much as they should and seems to have an indefinite delay.

Should Google rethink the salary of its employees?

The truth is that they are losing great talent too often but if they reduced salaries the competition is likely to take advantage of this factor to get their workers and develop autonomous cars. The decision is not simple.

Why do they earn so much on Google?

The company established in 2010 a new payment system for the autonomous vehicles department. Thus, apart from the base salary of the members of the project, they have been obtaining bonuses or incentives that have been growing up to millionaire amounts. Sufficient money to make the decision to 'run away' from the company and retire to enjoy a well-deserved vacation or start your own business. And is that the pace of economic development in Silicon Valley has caused, for a while now, that companies compete with each other to attract talent, which has only made the salaries shoot.

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